Re Fiascone

King Umberto tomato sauce in glass jar – 532 gr


Net weight: 532 g
Ingredients: tomato juice

The tomato puree of the old tomato variety Re Umberto (also called Fiascone) is produced according to an old tradition: Tomatoes harvested at exactly the right time. The special microclimate of the terraces on the Amalfi Coast, which is protected by the enclosure of Monte Lattari, as well as on some days by warm winds from the Mediterranean, provides the intense and fragrant taste of the tomato. The classic puree brings out the natural sweetness and delicacy of the tomato and is ideal for a wide range of dishes far beyond the classic Pasta al Pomodoro. A delight for every palate.

in box of 12 at 56.16€

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8 in stock

SKU: 002-2 Category: Tags: , ,


The King Umberto tomato or Fiascone is grown on the uncontaminated soils of the Amalfi Coast. Harvested since 1878, then disappeared from the fields to return finally back thanks to few farmers from Tramonti who guarded the seeds. The “Re Fiascone” come back is a result of the crowdfunding started by Acarbio with a contribution of CREA-ORT Pontecagnano (project RGV-FAO). It is a rich in flavour reddish purple tomato with an intense velvet taste. Excellent for sauce and as pizza topping.


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